Sunday, May 27, 2007

This is just scary...

Maths enthusiasts are being challenged to answer a sample question from Chinese university entrance tests.

The tests are set for prospective science undergraduates.

Try it out. You'll come away unnerved...


  1. Eh, I don't know. Asian Americans in the US destroy whites and other minorities in math, even beat out Jews. But, they still don't have that much power. Like I said in a previous post that you disputed, I really don't think Asians are creative. Their culture emphasizes conformity too much.

  2. Pish-Tosh.

    This post had no "larger" point.

    It just unnerved me to see that question.

  3. There's also the tiny matter of verbal IQs which are of far more use when making decisions on the basis of comparing 'incomparable' things.
